Saturday, February 27, 2016

Cousins and Basketball

This morning Emma and mom went and watched Dace and Ashton each play in their basketball games.
They did awesome!!!

Cousin time is the best!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Emma - Music Fireside

February 16th, 2016
Emma was able to sing a solo with LDS singer/song writer Wayne Burton.  
She was so nervous but did a perfect flawless performance.
So proud of you girl!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Family Valentine's Party

Loveless Family Valentine's Party
Friday, February 12th, 2016

Emma planned and executed a perfect family Valentine's Day party this year.  We had so much fun!!!

The table was decorated so pretty.

Emma made yummy heart-shaped homemade pizzas.

Emma decorated with lots of fun things!
We took pictures - I'm not sure what Elder Loveless will think about his crazy siblings.

The snacks were the best!

Everyone always needs a moment to act totally weird and goof off!
(Oh, that's an everyday occurrence for these kids.)

Love playing games together as a family!!!

Very successful night!!!

Celebrating Type 1 Diabetes

Emma wanted Cold Stone ice cream to celebrate her 1 year diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes!!!
Of course she got it!!!
February 11th, 2106

February 11th, 2016 - Emma's 1 year diabetes anniversary.

One year ago today Emma was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. I am so proud of this girl of mine. She is one incredible young lady. Here is what she wrote on her blog about this past year:
One Year of Type One Diabetes
Wow. I can't believe it's been a year since the day that changed my life. What a journey this life is. How different my life was only one short year ago. When I was first diagnosed, these were my thoughts. My world shattered into tiny pieces and I felt like I was alone to figure out how to put them back together. The feeling of the doctor walking into the room and giving me my diagnosis was a heart stopper. Then I got to the hospital and they crammed so much knowledge into me that I could have exploded. What even is a carb and why should I care? Why did this happen to me. It didn't feel real. One day I am laughing and living carelessly, and then the next day I have to give myself five shots a day, for the rest of my life? Then the jokes come and you just wished people understood.
How different my perspective is now. Diabetes is a part of me that fits perfectly. It's a part of who I am and I'm okay with that. I actually love when people ask me questions about it! I believe I was given this special opportunity and I might as well make the most of it. I want to share some things I have learned.
1. I've found a potential career choice! I have learned so much about my body and health and carbs and they way that certain foods and environments and activities affect your body! It is so interesting! I think being a dietician or something in that field would be so cool!
2. You can't judge a person from the outside. Aside from my pump that hooks to my pants, you can't really tell that I have Type One Diabetes. Which is why I try to not judge people by their outward appearance. You never really know what is going on in other people's lives. Everyone has a different story and reason.
3. Heavenly Father is Oh So Good to me. I could write a book about all my experiences in this category. Some things you just can't explain, and those are miracles from God. Man, has Heavenly Father helped me through this journey. I can't begin to think about how I would have gotten through this past year without His Divine help.
4. YOU ARE SO MUCH STRONGER THAN YOU THINK. The day I was diagnosed I felt like the heaviest burden was placed on my shoulders. What I didn't realize was the potential I really had within me. You have this untapped potential within yourself and sometimes it takes a eye opening experience to realize it. I think if you could walk away with anything from this, it should be that as many times as life hits you, and it will hit you, you must get up. You can't feel bad for yourself for too long, because you've got a mighty work to accomplish here. As long as you are living, you have the power to change lives including your own!
I just want to thank every beautiful person out there who has helped me. I could go on and on about all the help and love and support I have received. I am truly grateful for my trial. I'm grateful that Heavenly Father has given me a golden opportunity to better myself. I have so much to work on and I know I complain too much, but I honestly can't imagine my life without Type One Diabetes. Life is precious and it is oh so good. To the many more years ahead!

February 10th, 2016 - #brightonaday

Posted on Facebook on February 10, 2016

Thanks for posting this Kevin Tenney. This is Jon's boss that he worked for for two and a half years. Kevin's sweet four-year-old daughter, Brighton, passed away two days before Jon left and below is the experience that Jon and Kevin had the night Jon left for the MTC.

Brighton A Day's photo.
Brighton A Day

This is another moment from the past couple of weeks that really ‪#‎brightonaday‬.
This is a picture of an employee of mine named Jon that recently just left on a mission. His last day was about 10 days before Brighton had passed. I wasn't able to attend his mission farewell & honestly had totally spaced the fact that he was leaving.
A couple of days after Brighton had passed I heard a knock on the door and someone inside got it. I looked to see who it was and my employee/friend Jon was standing there. He was on his way to the MTC and wanted to make sure he saw me before he left. I was so touched that in his final moments before leaving that he thought of me.
As I hugged him, I was tearing up & told him that I thought he would do a great job on his mission & thanked him for coming over. This to me was one of the most Christlike things I have ever seen. Caring about me when there was so many other things he could have been doing. I love you Jon, and hope you know how much it meant to me!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day
February 2nd, 2016
It's a tradition in our family to watch the movie "Groundhog Day" every year on February 2nd.  
This year only Emma and I were home to watch it.  
Emma made the best peanut butter cookies for our treat!!!